Quality Management Policy

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Print Evolved is a supplier for template ordered print production and small orders in printed stationery and on-demand marketing materials working predominantly in the UK. Our aim is to ensure that customer needs are consistently exceeded, by fulfilling customer requirements efficiently and effectively in order to maximise the success and growth of the business for its employees and shareholders. We will do this through a determined focus on delivering best quality of product and service.

We, as a company, are committed to the following:

  • Identifying quality objectives by review and audit of our processes.
  • Formally setting objectives based on the results of the process reviews and their significance in relation to continual improvement of the quality management system.
  • Implementing management programs to achieve these objectives.
  • Investing in a well-trained and motivated workforce.
  • Working closely with our suppliers and customers to ensure mutual understanding and benefit.
  • Reviewing our policy and objectives as part of the management review process.
  • Communicating this policy to all persons working for or on behalf of the organisation.
  • Preventing Pollution to the environment.

We operate under a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and maintain it through Certification and annual review. We comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements and aim to continually improve our quality management processes. The directors confirm their commitment and support, along with that of all employees and those working on behalf of the company, to the above policy statement and the effective application and continual improvement of the Quality Management System. We maintain the highest standards, and judge our work as if we were a very discerning customer ourselves. This is the only way to be proud of our service and to maintain our positive competitive position. We monitor our quality objectives and standards through via our ISO9001:2015 certified quality management system.

Our Quality Objectives

Print Evolved is committed to providing its customers with high quality products and service. This commitment to quality and the environment encompasses all processes required to achieve product/service realisation and customer satisfaction.

The company sees the following on-going objectives as being fundamental to achieving the below:

Never miss a deadline

On time despatch of orders leaving the factory monitored daily and fed back into production meeting 99.99% despatched on time
80% completed packing by 6pm
3 working days despatch for Core work

Get it right first time

Reduce waste by tackling NC figure targeted 8.9Kg per £1000 revenue. Reduce the number of lost deliveries 2.5 orders in every 1000 sent. Reduce the value of external reprints <0.8% of revenue

Always do better

Business recovery from the Effects Covid19
Get back to > 80% of Pre Covid Revenue
Get back to > 60% of Pre Covid Operating Margin


The above objectives are reviewed and targets for completion of agreed actions are set during the “Management Review” process.

The Management & Employees, Print Evolved.
Spencer Slee, Managing Director October 2021.